A recent case touches upon two issues that are noteworthy when considering fraud claims and breach of warranty claims against a manufacturer. Below contains a discussion on these claims.

Independent Tort Doctrine

Florida’s independent tort doctrine provides that a party may not recover in tort for a contract dispute unless the tort is independent of any breach of contract.” MidAmerica C2L Inc. v. Siemens Energy, Inc., 2024 WL 414620, *6 (M.D.Fla. 2024).  This means tort allegations and claims MUST be separate and distinct from performance under the contract. Id. (citation omitted).

In MidAmerica C2L, a plaintiff sued a manufacturer relating to sophisticated equipment for a coal gasification plant. The parties entered into different agreements for the equipment and a license where the plaintiff could use the manufacturer’s patented technology for its coal gasification plants. A dispute arose and the plaintiff sued the manufacturer under various legal theories.  The manufacturer moved for summary judgment.

Two claims asserted against the manufacturer were grounded in fraudulent misrepresentation theories dealing with monetary damages and rescission of the contract. Both claims dealt with allegations that the manufacturer knew of defects in its equipment, had superior knowledge of the defects, had a duty to disclose the defects, and failed to do so. However, both fraud claims were a restatement of the SAME facts supporting the plaintiff’s breach of contract claims against the manufacturer. The trial court dismissed these claims because of the independent tort doctrine as the same material facts alleged in the fraud claims were alleged in the breach of contract claims.


The trial court further found that the plaintiff’s request for rescission was not proper because “[the plaintiff] does not argue, much less demonstrate, that legal remedies are inadequate” to support the equitable relief of rescission.  MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *6.  The plaintiff attempted to counter by arguing that recission should be warranted because there was a lack of consideration for the contracts. This, however, was shot down because “Florida does not recognize the [equitable] claim of recission based on lack of consideration.” MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *7.  Florida law would recognize damages if there was a failure of consideration. Id. (citation omitted).

Breach of Warranty

Additionally, there was a worthwhile discussion on the plaintiff’s claim for breach of warranty of fitness for particular purpose against the manufacturer.  Although New York (not Florida) law governed this claim, it is still an important discussion for consideration, particularly since the analysis would be analogous under numerous jurisdictions.

The contract, as common, contained a warranty disclaimer which included a disclaimer for breach of the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.

The elements for breach of implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose are: (1) the seller, at the time of contracting, has reason to know the particular purpose for which the goods are required, (2) the seller has reason to know that the buyer is relying on the seller’s skill and judgment to select suitable goods for the specified purpose, and (3) the buyer did in fact rely on that skill or judgment. That said, a written disclaimer of a warranty of fitness for purpose precludes a party from relying on a representation that is specifically disclaimed in the agreement.

MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *3.

The warranty disclaimer should put the kibosh on this claim, right?  Well, the plaintiff argued that the warranty disclaimer is unconscionable and, thus, should be waived.  Under New York law, to argue unconscionability, the plaintiff must show the contract is both procedurally and substantively unconscionable when the contract was made. MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *4 (citation omitted). Regarding both procedural and substantive unconscionability, the court explained:

“[P]rocedural unconscionability considers whether there has been a lack of meaningful choice to accept a challenged provision by evaluating anumber of factors, including ‘(1) the size and commercial setting of the transaction; (2) whether there was a lack of meaningful choice by theparty claiming unconscionability; (3) the experience and education of the party claiming unconscionability; and (4) whether there was disparity inbargaining power.’ ” “[S]ubstantive unconscionability involves an analysis ‘of the substance of the bargain to determine whether the terms wereunreasonably favorable to the party against whom unconscionability is urged.’ ” “Procedural and substantive unconscionability have been described asoperating on a ‘sliding scale,’ meaning that ‘the more questionable the meaningfulness of choice, the less imbalance in a contract’s terms should be tolerated and vice versa.’ ”

MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *4 (internal citations omitted).

Regardless of the plaintiff’s unconscionability argument, the trial court still dismissed the claim.  The court found that this argument was simply based on the allegation that the manufacturer preyed on the plaintiff’s lack of bargaining power.  Besides, the plaintiff failed to identify any record evidence to remotely support its theory of unconscionability. “The Court finds that [the plaintiff] failed to plead unconscionability in the [complaint], and even if it had preserved this theory of recovery, there is no genuine issue of material fact relating to the applicability of the [warranty] disclaimer and the lack of unconscionability.” MidAmerica C2L, supra, at *5.

Please contact David Adelstein at or (954) 361-4720 if you have questions or would like more information regarding this article. You can follow David Adelstein on Twitter @DavidAdelstein1.